I don't know about you, but September seemed to FLY by! We had a busy month, including lots of vendor events, two birthdays (Tony and my dad share a birthday), and recently, one of our highlights was The Justice Journey Alliance's Skills, Drills & Grills Golf Outing. We had the opportunity to be a sponsor, and I also sit on the board of this organization, so it was a fun day filled with golf (Tony only), volunteering (me), and dinner with friends and family. The money raised from the event strengthens our Vision and Mission-- To REACH an ever-increasing population divided by race and injustice and to OFFER opportunities for people of all races to come together to address race relations and social injustices. I truly believe in the organization's work and values and am so proud to be not only a sponsor, but an involved board member. We also donate funds from our profits throughout the year to this organization, so know that when you're buying That Rub, it's not just for the delicious taste, but we strive to make the world a better place for ALL people.

Like many others in the food and supply chain industry, we have been hit with continual pricing increases on both our spices and packaging goods. Since opening 16 months ago, we have never increased our pricing, but the time has come where we have to adjust. Therefore, all prices on our products beginning October 1 will have a $1 increase across the board. We hope you understand this is a necessary business decision, and we are so appreciative of your continued support of our seasoning blends!
Lastly, please keep us in mind for a fun Night Out or Night In! We have more cooking classes planned, with the next one being on Friday, 10/8 at 6:30 pm. You can find it on mmmthatrub.com/book-online, and it is available both in-person or virtually, so anyone can join in on the fun! The theme is "Fall Favorites" and features the deliciousness below:
Parmesan Mushroom Trifles

Pumpkin Bars

That Rub Chili

Please join us!! Have a wonderful October, and be on the lookout for a couple of specials this month :)