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Taking it to the Next Level!

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

As I sit here to type my first post on our brand new website, I am reminded what a ride this has been. I was furloughed on June 1, and while we've been selling That Rub to a few friends & family over the last few weeks to make ends meet, we started to realize that God's plans might be a LOT bigger for this product. You see, in May, we were chatting with a friend, who is in research & product development the food industry who had tried That Rub, and he told us the product "evoked an emotional response." It's good, he said, VERY good. We've heard this from people we know for YEARS, (Tony developed the recipe about 10 years ago, after culinary school) but to hear it from someone with such a palette and expertise gave me even more confidence. Two days later, I received the news that I was being furloughed. Coincidence? I think not.

My background is in Sales Management. I LOVE to sell a product I truly believe in. This perfect storm really creates the perfect opportunity to do this. We are taking it to the next level, and have created our own website, become an LLC, are now creating and packaging the product in a commercial kitchen, and cannot wait to see how we grow from here. We're glad you're here with us on this journey. Our goal is to be in as many homes as possible, as we know how many people That Rub makes HAPPY!!

Tony and I are excited for this journey, and we appreciate your support, one bag at a time. We believe to our core that having conversations and building relationships

is the key to a better world, and we plan on doing just that through That Rub. Please reach out if you have any questions at all. We are here to help!

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